Morgan Solar

FOCUS: Building decarbonization, HVAC management, solar power efficiency.

OVERVIEW: Morgan Solar has two products SPOTlight and Sun Studio that represent a unique, optical design approach to Buildings including PhotoVoltaic. They allow us to develop solutions that balance the need for aesthetics, PV generation, reduction of glare and heat gain, and access to diffuse, natural sunlight. IV DAQ is the most advanced sensor and data analytics platform in the world for DC side PV performance monitoring, and can provide real-time, continuous monitoring, supported by an AI analytics platform. This gives developers and PV system owners unprecedented insights into the performance of their solar fields, and diagnoze underperformance issues that are invisible to other monitoring platforms.  

We have developed a body of over 100 patents, proprietary AI driven Digital Twin software and our T-innovation approach to manufacturing and product design, which allow us to rapidly develop and  commercialize new products based on our platform. We have proven our ability to go from a request for proposal to a completely installed commercial product in as little as 6 months, with low capital requirements and no technical risks. Using our in-house expertise and AI driven  software, we can develop solutions that add value to solar power generation, monitoring and analysis,  and sunlight management challenges for buildings.

WEBSITE: Morgan Solar