
FOCUS: Materials, building decarbonization, occupant health.

OVERVIEW: drywired specializes in nanotechnology based coatings that have sustainability, energy efficiency and building health benefits. The company’s Liquid Nanotint (LNT) is a highly transparent paint-on solar control coating that is an ideal retrofit technology for building owners and managers looking to increase energy efficiency, improve thermal comfort, reduce glare and eliminate harmful UV damage. It can be applied to any glass or polycarbonate surface in order to reduce solar heat gain and UV. LNT maintains up to 75% visible light transmittance (VLT) while blocking up to 99% of UV and up to 80% of infrared rays, and it has consistently demonstrated 10%-20% cooling and heating savings for businesses. Their line of products also includes DryWired LumActiv®, which combines the air cleaning properties of titanium dioxide (TiO2) photocatalysis with advances in nanotechnology. The coating works by activating hydroxyl radicals during photocatalysis to break down harmful organic airborne pollutants and VOCs on any surface thereby improving air quality (IAQ) and reducing malodor.

WEBSITE: drywired